He Is For You

In a time of reflection this week , I was reminded of this:  “If Jesus was looking for perfectly qualified people, He would have picked the Pharisees. He picked the opposite.”

He picked you and me. Jesus chose His disciples based on the leading of His Father, not on their accomplishments or resources. He wanted to be their source. They were ordinary people with an extraordinary calling to follow Jesus. Their journeys were messy, real, raw, and incredibly  beautiful at times. Some stayed, some gave up, others fessed up, and a few walked away. Despite their actions or decisions, God remained faithful. He never wavered His love for them. We can be a trusted voice in another's life by being available in and out of season, honest with challenge, and generous with encouragement.

In Romans 4:17-21, Abraham did not consider his body or the deadness of Sarah’s womb, but he believed the report of the Lord saying “so shall your seed be.” Abraham was convinced that what God promised, He was also able to perform.
If any moms, guardians, or future moms out there are wondering if you can handle what’s before you in your current season, I would kindly say, “No, and please don’t do it alone.” We were never meant to navigate life alone in any season. Parenting can have its highs, lows, wins, and losses; but as I look back, I can see where God was faithful in every circumstance .

Remember, we are building memories not resumes.

JOURNAL: Will we trust God with the fruit of our labor? Write an area of your life in your current season that you want to surrender to the Lord.

PRAYER: Jesus, You know where I am weak and where doubt has filled my mind in my relationships, parenting, and in life in general. Where my heart hurts and my hope has rested in my own strength, I release control today to You. Have Your way, Jesus, in what glorifies You most in my life and in those whom I love. Amen
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